Monday, April 21, 2008

Employment History

Media and Marketing Consulting

  • Martin Training Associates, Carmel, NY
  • F·E·G·S, NY, NY
  • Latnel Exclusives Baby Wear, L.L.C
  • Sheffield School of Interior Design, L.L.C
  • Eldesigns Jewelry

[Consultant Summary]

  • Develop, design and create interactive learning scenarios for FEGS on-line Learning Campus (LMS) training tutorials including, HIPAA, Corporate Compliance, and Safety Matters.
  • Photographed F.E.G.S staff for use in on-line employee safety training.
  • Select, format and design appropriate photos and graphics for on-line training and marketing.
  • Design PowerPoint templates look and feel for Articulate Presenter.
  • Write promotional copy for clothing and jewelry web sites.
  • Graphics and voice-overs for FEGS on-line Learning Campus (LMS), Wyeth project management e-learning module.

Sheffield School of Interior Design, Distance Leaning Company, L.L.C. NY, NY
2001 - 2003
[ Lead Course Developer/Instructional Designer ]

  • Lead the conception, implementation, and completion of Feng Shui for Interior Design, a multi-platform, six module distance learning course. Each module includes 30 page workbook, 30-60min DVD, Audio CD-ROM, and design materials such as paints and fabrics. Course includes student built portfolio, teacher feedback, textbooks, and web support. D.E.T.C. accredited.
  • Vetted leading authors (R. D. Chin and others) , content experts and instructors for course.
  • Wrote marketing materials, scripts for DVDs and workbooks, over 200 pages total, with step-by-step lessons, articles, assignments, quizzes, and portfolio assessments.
  • Art directed all components and created graphics for CDs, DVDs, web and print.
  • Designed course identity and logo, and directed graphic designer.
  • Conducted live interviews of content experts and Sheffield School Dean for audio CD-ROM and instructional DVDs.

Altrum Technologies L.L.C. , Chicago, IL
[Creative Director]

  • Directed interface designers, web programmers, and graphic designers to create consistent
    look and feel of all company visual output including the development and implementation of e-learning courseware and company website.
  • Wrote, storyboarded and edited copy for sales and demo presentations.
  • Served as voice-over talent for e-learning tutorials.

Major Products:

  • Corporate Identity: company logo & colors, letter head, business cards, web site.
  • Marketing collateral: PowerPoint presentations, brochures, CD-ROM product demo.

Parson Group L.L.C. , Chicago, IL,
[Lead Designer]

  • Designed user interface for internet based custom learning management system (LMS) used by 3M, fortune 100 company.
  • Directed graphic staff in creation of customized screen templates, graphics and illustrations for multimedia training exercises and in-line courseware. Also created graphics for web prototypes for prospective clients.

Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Corporation, Chicago, IL
1992 - 1997
[ Project Manager ]

  • Managed teams of writers, programmers, educators, designers, software developers, video crews and talent.
  • Authored learning exercises, marketing materials and wrote scripts and copy for web, software, video, packaging, and press.
  • Directed and edited video shoots.
  • Art directed, researched photos and created graphics for web, multimedia and packaging.
  • Researched and designed educational software prototypes. Brainstormed features and created graphics.
  • Organized and conducted focus groups.

Major Products:

  • Geopedia, educational geography CD-ROM. 1994 Codies Award winner
  • Engineering software prototype (joint venture with John Wiley &Sons)
  • Astropedia, astronomy CD-ROM prototype.
  • Videos, including 11 teacher preparation videos and 4 marketing videos.

Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
[Project Designer/Instructional Developer]

  • Conceptualized and executed one of 6 educational games for a children's interactive computer kiosk and CD-ROM. Segment features Train Station,1936, by Walter Ellison, African American artist.
  • Created screen design, animation, text and dialogue. Researched and selected photos and sounds.
  • Art Institute's CD-ROM won first place in the American Association of Museums Awards for Multimedia, 1997.