Monday, April 21, 2008


Eldesigns Jewelry, NY, NY

[Artist, Owner]

  • Design and create contemporary handcrafted jewelry for sale nationally at galleries and shows including New York, Art Students League, Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit, “Below 220”Manhattan Arts Show, and Chicago, The Spertus Museum (gift shop), and Museum of Decorative Art.
  • Write and design jewelry marketing materials, including e-commerce web site, promotions, and catalog.
  • Manage and design profitable e-commerce web-site.
  • Created and taught jewelry classes.
  • Featured in Arts Article in New York Times, 2000
  • Spoke on WNYC The Brian Lehrer Show radio show, 2007.

Chicago International Children’s Film Festival

  • Directed, wrote and co-created That Makes Four, an animated musical video selected for competitive international venue. 1997.

The Art Students League of New York , NY, NY

  • Mixed-media art piece exhibited in group show, 2007.